11 januari 2008


A great book: The solitaire mysterie.

it makes you stop and think about a lot of things...

really amazing book!


I heard a poem last week, it was written in an english newspaper, but i can't remember it completely.

I just know that it was a poem that made you think and realise how small we are and how little time we have on earth. to know that we are here for a bigger reason.

Just think about it, Why are we here? who are we? where did we come from? where are we going?

Do people even realise and appreciate what a wonder the earth really is? what a wonder we are?

so beautiful...

I think it's time that some awareness is spread amongst us.


"The mind is a powerfull thing"

Maybe everything isn't what it seems...

maybe...who knows...

But everything is always as you see it, all the time

so be carefull what you want to see...

because it will always be there.


because the most beautiful gift from the universe to you is that you are! And the fact that you are who you make of it. You're unique in every way.

so don't be afraid to be yourself, even how crazy you are, that's who you are, that's what given to you, yes it is a gift.
Treasure it!