29 augustus 2007


Then you can also experience the opposite of this. Sometimes you meet people whom you feel connected with. You might not know what’s connecting you straight away but after a while when you get to know them better, you’ll find something and you’ll think, that’s it. Or sometimes when you get to know them the connection fades, I think that means that you still have a connection but that it’s something you share that you don’t know, on a higher plane of some sort, the human material things are holding you back. It’s more special, but also more difficult.

It can be really strange, because when you first meet it’s like you’ve known eachother for a long, long time. It can freak you out. In a while you both start to talk about it and realise that you both feel the connection. I think it’s one of the greatest feelings on earth and they’re very rare too, it’s not often that you get this experience. It’s kind of like a soulmate.

You can have the kind of soulmate that you know for a long time and you know just about everything about eachother (like a best friend). And then you have the kind that I described too you earlier, it’s often a start of a very good friendship.

I’m lucky to have met someone like that, it’s really special to me because I know that not many people get this lucky to meet a person like that. You can feel the bond even if you know nothing of the other person, but still you know you’re connected.

You know, that’s when your aura’s change too. If you interact with your soulmate, both your aura’s become one, you don’t give anything and you don’t take away from the other person. You are both as one, like one cloud surrounding you. That’s why everything seems so easy around that person. You’re at ease, you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrased or anything, it all comes naturally.

In normal conversation with a friend, family or someone you meet, your aura gives and takes depending on the situation. If your conversation goes equally both ways then you take some energy from the other one and you receive some. (exemple: when you’re sharing something out of your life you take energy (a kind of attention) of your companion and vice versa.)

If the conversation is just one person that keeps on talking the whole time then he is taking your energy away drastically, your soul will tell you that you don’t want this and that you should end the conversation. The other person is absorbing all your energy and isn’t giving anything back. So in good conversations it is really important to understand eachother and be interested in what the other person says. And try to show that too.

1 opmerking:

My life in bergen zei

Nice blog, love the pictures from Bali and the way you wrote the last post..