23 oktober 2007


Emotions are the ways of your soul to tell you that you need to watch out for something, that there’s something wrong. They are the tools of your soul. If you get mad, upset, sad, then it means that whatever you’re mad, upset or sad about triggered something in your emotions. It is up to yourself to look inside yourself and find out what the issue is. You see, when you feel an emotion, ex. anger than the cause of that anger isn’t the person you’re mad at or not even the subject that makes you mad. It means that something in your soul isn’t the way it should be to live a complete life without hate or troubles. So if you change the way you react, you change yourself.

This is for the better too, because you have to remember, everything that happens to you is because you made a choice somewhere along the way. And because you made that choice and no other this is the way your life unfoldes itself. So you can see that your life lies completely in your own hands, not in someone else’s or in circomstances. The choices you make are key to what’s going to happen in your lifetime. So take every choice seriously.

To change your reaction in every emotion, anger, jalousy, happiness, worry, … isn’t easy at first. Try to do this next exercise one day:
If you feel an emotion, stop everything you’re doing and realise what you’re feeling and thinking. You will see that during the day you’ll have a lot, really a lot of feelings. If you start to realise that you are angry or sad or happy, try to stop in that moment and try to say to yourself, is this what I want? Is this how I want to react to this? Or is there another way to do this? To react to this?
Maybe I should react in another way instead of reacting as I always do, this time from how I want to react not from an impuls. Maybe life will change if you do that, I can tell you that it will most certainly change, because if you take on the cause of the emotion (not the person or the circomstances), inside of yourself, it will change how you react on that emotion the next time you feel it.
And so you change yourself.

You will feel free and content with yourself, so you can see that the goal of life is to lead a life that is completely YOU, in every way, be happy with who you are and how you are and if you’re not happy, change the things that you want to change inside your soul. Your goal is to be who you are!



I'm reading a really interesting book, it runs parralel with most of my thoughts, if I finish it i'll give you a summary, it's quite amazing what you can learn out of a book ;-)

see ya soon,
