I wanted to put my thoughts down, I had to.
But it’s not gonna be easy because at night i have a million thoughts floating through my head. But by then i'm to tired to write them down so if they don't really come out the right way it's because it's harder during the day but hey we’ll see…
So the soul…
I think, no I feel that we live in a world of souls. Everywhere.
The spaces you see, like the sky, the sunset & sunset, the light falling trough the trees on sunny days, even the carpet of leaves in a forest, they’re all souls.
Because, you see, everyone has a soul inside of them and every soul is different. Some people have souls that are very bright and just wats to break free, others have souls that are there but with a capsule around them, protected or as I believe harmed. And then there are the people who have souls but don’t even realise it.
The biggest part of the world belongs to the last group of people, about 80 % I would say. So that means that about 20 % of the worlds population realises that they have a soul. That’s shockingly few I think. And of the 20% about two thirds knows how to handle it.
A soul is who you are, not your character or what you do or stuff like that but really just YOU. And it also wants to expand… because a soul is your feelings, your emotions, everything that you live for (not the material stuff offcourse).
Well, I belong to the first group of people, my soul wants to burst so that it can be free, but offcourse that is not gonna happen, well I hope not soon anyway, there’s still a lot of work to be done. But I can keep feeding it until I die. Because when you die that’s when your soul get’s to be set free, that’s when it leaves the body where it’s been trapped in.
…(day at work) where was I?…hm, let me reread a part…
Ah yes,
So when it’s finally free you become part of the world, part of everything and the more nourished your soul is, the more you feel the bigger picture…well,you won’t but your soul will.
I know it’s hard to understand, if you don’t have the awareness yet but think about it, it’s all quite simple really. Ok, now I can hear you thinking, but how can I be aware? And how do I expand my soul? Well first things first. Before you can talk about expanding, you have to first realise that your soul is there and always have been.
Think about the things you’ve been through, hard times, good times, exiting things and even scary things. All of these things make your soul bigger en brighter. Because it doesn’t matter if the feelings that come with it are good ones or bad ones, that just means that you have expirienced both ways and the more ways the more vercitile your soul gets.
I’ll give an example, I lost my grandmother when I was twelve, that’s a big deal at that age. Because that was the first encounter with death. And automatically you start to think about it. What’s it about? What’s death?…I will die too…hm so you get a conclusion out of it for yourself that you take with you for the rest of your life. You can adjust the view on it later on in life but the point is, that’s how your soul is formed.
Now think about all thesituations in your life (and there are a lot of them!Good and bad!). Can you see or at least understand how those things together expand your soul? And that’s just one way of expanding or forming your soul. You’ve got belief, religion,travels, experiences,… a million things.
I’ve always thought of myself beeing a free soul, but in fact I wasn’t. There were too much obligations, stress, things to do. Now I realise that the beauty of everything is right in front of us. You just have to look at it. And by beuaty of things I don’t mean litterally beauty, dark things can be beautifull too, you just have to see it.
…going home…
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